Mrs. Caitlin McNeil » About Mrs. Caitlin McNeil

About Mrs. Caitlin McNeil

I was born in Kansas City, Kansas, grew up in St. Louis, Missouri but have lived in Texas for 19 years now! 


I went to TCU, where I earned my Bachelor of Science in AD/PR in the Journalism School and minored in Sociology. 


I love spending time with my family more than anything else! My husband, Geno, and I have two incredible kids who attend SPS and an eleven-year-old chocolate lab, Hank. I love to spend time outside in nature with my family - the beach is our favorite! We are always exploring a new park, restaurant, game or event around town. 


I love teaching because children are simply amazing! Their perspective, zest and energy for life inspire me. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to teach Yearbook and Newsletter electives this year to the 7th and 8th graders, in hopes that it inspires them to continue sharing their gifts and interest in Yearbook or writing in the next chapter of their life - high school!